The following glossary provides clear and concise definitions of key terms, covering everything from battery technology to charging infrastructure. Whether you're exploring the basics or diving deep into technical details, this guide is your go-to resource for navigating the evolving EV landscape.
AC Charger: A charging system that uses alternating current, usually found in residential setups.
Active Thermal Management: A system that manages battery temperature to improve efficiency and lifespan.
Ampere-Hours (Ah): A measure of battery capacity, indicating the amount of charge a battery can hold.
Autonomous Driving: Technology enabling vehicles to navigate without human intervention, often integrated with EV platforms.
Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV): A fully electric vehicle powered by batteries, producing zero tailpipe emissions.
Battery Cycle Life: The number of complete charge and discharge cycles a battery can endure before performance degrades.
Battery management system (BMS): A system that ensures each cell is draining at roughly equal rates, and coordinates input and output so they all act is a single unit.
Bidirectional Charging: Enables energy flow both to and from the vehicle, supporting features like Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G).
Brake Energy Regeneration: Captures kinetic energy during braking to recharge the battery.
Carbon Intensity: A measure of CO2 emissions per unit of energy, significant for evaluating the environmental impact of EV charging.
Charge Curve: Describes how an EV battery charges over time, usually faster at lower states of charge.
Charging Network: A collection of charging stations operated by a single provider, such as Tesla’s Supercharger network.
Charge point operator (CPO) A key component in the electric mobility sector, these are companies that specialise in designing, deploying, and servicing electric vehicle charging infrastructures.
Combined Heat and Power (CHP): A system that generates electricity and thermal energy from a single source, sometimes used for sustainable EV charging.
Demand Response: A grid management technique where charging schedules adjust based on energy demand.
Depth of Discharge (DoD): The percentage of battery capacity discharged relative to the total capacity.
Drivetrain: The group of components that deliver power from the motor to the wheels.
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Facilities and technology enabling the recharging of EVs, including public and private chargers.
Electric Powertrain: The system that transmits electrical power to the vehicle’s wheels.
Electrolyte: A liquid or gel substance in batteries facilitating ion movement between electrodes.
Fleet Electrification: The process of transitioning commercial or governmental vehicle fleets to electric power.
Fluctuating Renewable Energy (FRE): Variability in renewable energy sources like solar and wind, impacting EV charging dynamics.
Gigafactory: Large-scale battery manufacturing facilities designed to produce EV batteries at a high volume.
Grid Integration: The coordination of EV charging with electricity grid operations to optimise energy use.
High Voltage Battery: The main energy storage component of an EV, operating at voltages typically between 300-800 volts.
Home Energy Management System (HEMS): Technology integrating EV charging with household energy use for efficiency.
Inverter: Converts DC electricity from the battery to AC electricity for the motor.
ISO 15118: An international standard defining communication protocols between EVs and charging stations.
J-Plug (J1772): A common connector standard for EV charging in North America.
Kilowatt Peak (kWp): The maximum power output of a solar panel under ideal conditions, relevant for solar-integrated EV charging.
Lithium-Ion Battery: The most common type of battery used in EVs, known for its high energy density and durability.
Load Balancing: Managing energy distribution among multiple chargers to prevent overloading the grid.
Magnetic Resonance Charging: A form of wireless charging using magnetic fields.
Microgrid: A localized energy system that can operate independently of the larger grid, useful for EV charging in remote areas.
NCM Battery: A type of lithium-ion battery using Nickel, Cobalt, and Manganese in its cathode.
Nominal Voltage: The average operating voltage of a battery cell or pack.
Off-Peak Charging: Charging during times of low electricity demand to save costs and reduce grid strain.
Peak Power Output: The maximum power an EV motor can deliver.
Power Electronics: Components that manage the flow of electrical energy in EVs, including inverters and controllers.
Quick Charger: A charging station that provides high power to rapidly charge an EV battery.
Real-World Range: The actual distance an EV can travel on a full charge, often less than the rated range.
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): Documents proving that EVs were charged with renewable energy.
Solid-State Battery: A next-generation battery type with solid electrolytes, offering higher energy density and safety.
State of Health (SOH): A measure of a battery’s condition relative to its original capacity.
Solid-State Battery: A next-generation battery type with solid electrolytes, offering higher energy density and safety.
State of Health (SOH): A measure of a battery’s condition relative to its original capacity.
Solid-State Battery: A next-generation battery type with solid electrolytes, offering higher energy density and safety.
State of Health (SOH): A measure of a battery’s condition relative to its original capacity.
Thermal Runaway: A dangerous condition where battery temperature rapidly escalates due to internal failure.
Time-of-Charge Scheduling: Programming EVs to charge at specific times for cost savings or grid efficiency.
Ultra-Fast Charger: Provides extremely high power levels, often exceeding 350 kW.
Watt: Unit of power, relevant for describing energy consumption and generation rates in EVs.
Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV): A vehicle producing no greenhouse gases during operation.